

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hints for Test on Friday (LA due Monday)

Test on Chapters 22 and 23 is challenging if you don't review/read.

40 MC (Friday)
There will be 21 Content based questions (No prompts)
There will be 19 Prompt based questions (9 from book)

LA(Take Home): Will be given to you on Friday to handwrite in a blue book over the weekend
---Will deal with German Unification---

***Email me any questions as I will not be here Thursday** (I will be at an AP conference)

Areas to focus on: 

Chapter 22 and 23 (Content to Review)
-France under Napoleon III
-The Crimean War
-Unification of Italy
-Unification of Germany and Bismarck
-The Dual Monarchy of Austria
-Reforms of Tsar Alexander II
-Work of Disraeli and Gladstone (United Kingdom)
-The Irish Question
-Marx and Bernstein
-Social Darwinism
-Octavia Hill and Elizabeth Poole Sanford
-English Reform Acts
-Paris Commune
-Boulanger Crisis
-Austria-Hungary on the eve of WW1

Chapter 22 and 23 (Sources to Read Again/Review that will help with content and prompts)

1. The Practice of Realpolitik: Page 659
2. Garibaldi and Romantic Nationalism: Page 665
3. Map 22.5 on page 670: Ethnic Groups in the Dual Monarchy
4. Emancipation of Serfs: Page 672 (Alexander II)
5. The Classless Society: Page 679
6. Darwin and the Descent of Man: Page 681
7. Flaubert and an Image of Bourgeois Marriage: Page 685
8. Voice of Evolutionary Socialism: Eduard Bernstein: Page 700
9. Housing Venture of Octavia Hill: Page 705
10. Advice to Women: Pages 708-709 (Sanford and Ibsen)
11. The Fight Song: Sports in the English Public School: Page 715
12. Bismarck and the Welfare of the Workers: Page 719

1. Speeches on Pragmatism and State Socialism (Bismarck): 114-116
2. Duties of Man (Mazzini): 116-117
3. A Sterner Plan for Italian Unity: 126-127
4. German Unification: 127
5. The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man (Darwin): 132-133
6. Social Statics (Spencer): 133
7. The Communist Manifesto: 135-137
8. Socialist Women: (Maier): 137

"A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets."

"A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets."

The French Revolution

The French Revolution

Otto von Bismarck

Otto von Bismarck