

Sunday, September 30, 2018

LEQ Hints

You will choose from 2

Make sure you have studied the following:
Catholic Reformation (aims and methods)
Effects the Protestant Reformation had on culture

Monday, August 27, 2018

Hints for 1st quiz

Make sure to review the following for the Quiz tomorrow

There will be 15-20 Multiple Choice and 2 Short Answers to Write

Sherman Source to Review:
The Decameron

Spielvogel Content: 
Peasant Revolts (Jacquerie and English Peasant Revolt)
Causes and Impact of Black Death
Causes and Impact of Hundred Years War
Causes and Impact of the Great Schism
Christine de Pizan

Spielvogel Sources
A Revolt of French Peasants: Page 307
The 100 Years War: Page 310
A Feminist Heroine: Page 315
Unam Sanctam (Page 319)
Work of Giotto: Page 325)
Dantes Vision of Hell (Page 323)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Here are the last hints of the year for your upcoming examinations.
---Dont forget I need your completed brackets (predictions) by the Thursday I get back---

Please take your discussions and reading Spielvogel Chapters 27-30 and Sherman 29 and 30 serious as these quizzes will account for the majority of your grade this quarter.

25 Multiple Choice and 2 SA (Tuesday, April 10)

SA: These 2 will come from the end of the chapter questions....so if you review all 6 you should be in good shape!

Multiple Choice: ALL PROMPT BASED

Areas to focus on:

End of Chapter 27: 
Aftermath of the War: Pages 861-864 (Source on 864 and Map on page 863)
Chapter 28: 
-***How did the Cold War start (Pages 868-872): Source on page 869 and Map on page 873**
-The United Nations
-Decolonization: Pages 876-881: Source on page 878
--New Alliances: NATO, Warsaw Pact, COMECON**Eastern Bloc vs. Western
-***Stalin to Khrushchev: Pages 882-884: Sources on 883 and 885***
-**Economic miracle of Western Europe: 885-889: Source on page 888:
-**Consumer Society: 891-892***
-**The Welfare State: 892-893
-Postwar Society and Art (Women's Liberation Movement) (Pop Art, **Existentialism**)
Chapter 29
-A Culture of Protest: 902-905: Sources on 904, and **905**
-***The Feminist Movement: 905-907: Source on **907**
-Stagnation in the Soviet Union: 907-910: Source on Page **909**
-Thatcherism: Source on page 912
-Beginnings of a European Community: Pages 913-914
Chapter 30
-Revolutionary Era in Soviet Union: 928-932: Source on page **930**
-***Perestroika and Glassnost***
-Significance of 1989: Source on page 933 (Havel) and Reunification of Germany
-Disintegration of Yuguslavia: 935-937 (Map on page 937)
-France: 938-939
****The Unification of Europe***: Pages 940-941: Map on page 941
-End of the Cold War: 942
***Guest Workers and Immigrants: 946-947**
-Post Modern Art

195-196: Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan
**196-197: The Cold War: A Soviet Perspective
197-198: The Berlin Wall
**199-200: Declaration Against Colonialism
200-201: The Balfour Declaration
**202-204: The Second Sex and A Feminist Manifesto
206: MAP: Decolonization in Asia and Africa
217: The End of the Cold War
**218-219: After Communism: Causes for the Collapse
224-225: Globalization

Long Answer (Wednesday, April 11)
---You are only allowed 35 minutes to write this on the exam...and periods are 35 minutes long so make sure to get to class on time and start right away.  No extra time will be granted.

Topic of the Long Answer comes from Chapter 30 in Spielvogel and will focus on the Unification of Europe after the fall of Communism

This will be handed out on Friday of next week and will deal with Chapter 28 and 29: Fall of Communism

Friday, March 16, 2018

Hints for Test on Monday


45 Multiple Choice (Chapters 25 and 26)

20 MC: Content of Chapters 25 and 26 from Spielvogel
25 MC: Prompt Based

Areas to focus on:

Sherman Sources: (Some of the sources below will be used directly in the prompt based MC)
The Home Front: Pages 151-152 and 157
April Theses: Pages `152-153
The 14 Points: Pages 153-155
Paths of Glory: Pages 155-156
The Revolution in War and Diplomacy: 159-160
Women, Work, and World War 1: 160-161
Peace and Diplomacy: 161-162
The Russian Revolution: 162
With Germany's Unemployed: 165-166
Program of the Popular Front: 166-167
Revolt of the Masses: 167
Decadence of the Weimar: 169
Unemployment and Politics in the Weimar Republic: 169-170
Unemployment and the Appeal to Women: 171
Generation of 1914: 171-172
Great Depression in Europe: 173-174
Doctrine of Fascism: 176-177
Nazi Propaganda Pamphlet: 179-180
The German Woman and Nazism: 180

Chapter 25: Spielvogel: WW1
Causes of WW1
Schlieffen Plan
Economic Effect of WW1
Opposition to WW1
Role of Women
Russian Revolution
Lenin's April Theses
Treaty of Versailles
Results of WW1
League of Nations

Pages: 764, 779, 781, 785, 790-791
Map: Page 792

Chapter 26: Spielvogel: Interwar Years
Lenin's N.E.P.
Spanish Civil War (Franco)
Great Depression
Stalinist Russia
Totalitarian States
Mussolini's Fascist dictatorship
Role of Women
Weimar Republic
Rise of Hitler and the Nazis
Artistic and Intellectual Trends

Pages: 798, 801, 808, 811, 814, 818, 821

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Hints for Quiz on Friday (Chapter 24)

Friday's Quiz will have 25 MC and 1 SA all coming from Chapter 24

26 MC
(17 Prompt based)
(9 Content based)
1 SA (Focus on discussion I led in class)

Areas to focus on

Content to Focus on (Spielvogel: Chapter 24)
Understanding the Irrational (Freud, Nietzsche, and Bergson)
Impact Social Darwinism (Spencer)
Modernism (Naturalism, Symbolism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism,
Movement for Women's Rights (Curie, Pankhurst, Montessori)
Jews in the European Nation-State (Anti-Semitism, Dreyfus Affair, Zionist movement, Herzl)
New Imperialism (Causes, Scramble for Africa)
International Rivalry (Bismarckian System, Balkan Wars, Alliances, Conferences, and Treaties)
**Futurist Movement**

Sources to Focus on
---Page 736-737 (Struggle for the Right to Vote)
---Page 740 (Voice of Zionism)
---Page 744 (Bloody Sunday)
---Pages 746-747 (White Man and Black Man's Burden)
---Page 750 (Does Germany Need Colonies)

Maps: Page 748, 751, 756, 757
Chart: Page 757

---Page 128 (Age of Empire)
---Page 128-129 (Imperialism as a Nationalistic Phenomenon)
---Page 129-130 (Tools of Empire)
---Page 130 (Gender and Empire)
---Page 138 (We are Militant)
---Page 139-140 (Foundations of 19th Century Racism)
---Page 140 (Judaism in Music: Anti-Semitism)
---Page 145-146 (European Women)

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Hints for Test on Friday (LA due Monday)

Test on Chapters 22 and 23 is challenging if you don't review/read.

40 MC (Friday)
There will be 21 Content based questions (No prompts)
There will be 19 Prompt based questions (9 from book)

LA(Take Home): Will be given to you on Friday to handwrite in a blue book over the weekend
---Will deal with German Unification---

***Email me any questions as I will not be here Thursday** (I will be at an AP conference)

Areas to focus on: 

Chapter 22 and 23 (Content to Review)
-France under Napoleon III
-The Crimean War
-Unification of Italy
-Unification of Germany and Bismarck
-The Dual Monarchy of Austria
-Reforms of Tsar Alexander II
-Work of Disraeli and Gladstone (United Kingdom)
-The Irish Question
-Marx and Bernstein
-Social Darwinism
-Octavia Hill and Elizabeth Poole Sanford
-English Reform Acts
-Paris Commune
-Boulanger Crisis
-Austria-Hungary on the eve of WW1

Chapter 22 and 23 (Sources to Read Again/Review that will help with content and prompts)

1. The Practice of Realpolitik: Page 659
2. Garibaldi and Romantic Nationalism: Page 665
3. Map 22.5 on page 670: Ethnic Groups in the Dual Monarchy
4. Emancipation of Serfs: Page 672 (Alexander II)
5. The Classless Society: Page 679
6. Darwin and the Descent of Man: Page 681
7. Flaubert and an Image of Bourgeois Marriage: Page 685
8. Voice of Evolutionary Socialism: Eduard Bernstein: Page 700
9. Housing Venture of Octavia Hill: Page 705
10. Advice to Women: Pages 708-709 (Sanford and Ibsen)
11. The Fight Song: Sports in the English Public School: Page 715
12. Bismarck and the Welfare of the Workers: Page 719

1. Speeches on Pragmatism and State Socialism (Bismarck): 114-116
2. Duties of Man (Mazzini): 116-117
3. A Sterner Plan for Italian Unity: 126-127
4. German Unification: 127
5. The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man (Darwin): 132-133
6. Social Statics (Spencer): 133
7. The Communist Manifesto: 135-137
8. Socialist Women: (Maier): 137

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Hints for Midterm

-You will have 55 MC (all prompt based) and 3 SA.
Study for this!!!!  Knowing the content below and being able to be strategic on prompt based multiple choice is how you will be successful on this.
This needs to be completed in 90 minutes
Time frame to focus on: 1450-1848
Chapters from Spielvogel: 12-21

Make sure to review the most recent chapter.
A lot of material on the midterm pertain to concepts from Chapter 21
15 Items to review specifically from Chapter 21:
1. Significance of the Congress of Vienna (Balance of Power, Legitimacy
2. Significance of Conservatism (Burke and Metternich)
3. Quadruple Alliance (Balance of Power)
4. Principle of Intervention
5. The Greek Revolt
6. France: Restoration and Revolutions of 1830 and 1848
7. The Burschenshaften (Carlsbad Decrees)
8. Russia (Tsars/Issue of Serfdom)
9. Economic Liberalism (Thomas Malthus) and Political Liberalism (Mill)
10. Significance of Nationalism
11. Early Socialism (Fourier, Tristan, Blanc, and Owen)
12. Reform Acts (1832, Poor Law, Repeal of Corn Laws)
13. **Revolutions of 1848/Why they failed
14. Risorgimento in Italy (Mazzini)
15. Romanticism

In General
Know important events that occur in every century below
19th: (Up to 1850)
---Role of women throughout
---Population/Migration to cities/Families/Kids/Marriage (Social History)
---Wars and Revolutions
---Leisure in each century
---The Enlightenment/Enlightened Despots
---"Greats" in Europe (Peter, Frederick, Catherine)
---Significance of the Italian Renaissance
---Significance of The Reformation/CounterReformation/Society of Jesus/How different in England
---Artwork in each century
---Age of Discovery/Issue of Slavery/Revolts
---Significant advances in the Scientific Revolution
---Significance of French Revolution/The Terror/Radical Elements
---Significance of Agricultural/Industrial Revolution (Great Britain vs. Continent (Russia)
---Maps (Important events/Wars/Treaties

Know the difference/significance between the Concert of Europe and Peace of Westphalia
Significance of Religion from 1450-1848
How commerce and prosperity are linked in European history
Know the difference between continuity and change as it relates to historical thinking skills.
Significance of steam as it relates to all industries especially transportation.

"A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets."

"A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets."

The French Revolution

The French Revolution

Otto von Bismarck

Otto von Bismarck